Dockr mysql
Used to manage mysql
container and Databases in MySQL.
Dockr mysql import
Used to import the specified dump file in the specified DB.
Usage :
dockr mysql import <db_name> <path_to_dump_file>
Example :
dockr mysql import test_db /usr/local/lib/dump.sql
Note :
No space(" ") should be present in the path_to_dump.file.
If there is a space in the file name, Kindly rename and try again.
Dockr mysql db
Starts a MySQL session in the MySQL container.
Usage :
dockr mysql <db_name>
Example :
dockr mysql test_db
dockr mysql
Note :
When there is no DB specified, it will start a session without using any DB.
When using a DB, the specified DB will be used to start a session.
Dockr mysql bash
If you want to start a bash SSH session within the mysql container, just run this command.
Example :
dockr mysql bash
dockr mysql shell
You can also use shell
to start a bash session. dockr shell
is an alias to the dockr bash
Dockr mysql query
Runs the specified query within the comfort of your terminal without SSH into the container.
Usage :
dockr mysql -q "query_statement"
Example :
dockr mysql -q "show databases;"
dockr mysql -q "create database test;"
dockr mysql -q "drop database test;"
dockr mysql db query
Used to run the query command within the specified DB.
Usage :
dockr mysql <db_name> -q "<query_statement>"
Example :
dockr mysql test_db -q "select * from users;"
dockr mysql test_db -q "select id, name from customers;"
Note :
Kindly take a look at the double quotes(") at the query statements