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Integration for Laravel - Docker.

DockR lets your Laravel projects run with Docker seamlessly for Local development environment.

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PHP Versions

DockR supports almost every PHP Versions. Don't worry, other PHP versions weren't abandoned, they will be supported in the upcoming weeks.


DockR provides an option to proxy the incoming request via a Domain name of your choice instead of using localhost:xxxx.


Asset Containers

DockR provides separate containers for assets such as MySQL, Postgres and Redis. Multiple projects can connect to the same Database if needed.



Our Docker Image contains most of the packages and extensions built-in. If you are not satisfied with them, you can create your own image and use it with your project.



DockR provides an option to have use specific Composer version for different projects.



All these above-mentioned features are available and accessed by just setting up an environment variable within the '.env' file.



DockR provides an easy way to work with Schedules and Queues. DockR will create a separate container and runs a Scheduler and two Queue Listeners for working with Worker tasks.



DockR is planning to support Python, Ruby, ROR and more soon. Python support is on testing phase and planning for public release soon.

Released under the MIT License.